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There are people all over the world

who stand out as role-models for their inspirational lives
exemplified by excellent human qualities
commitment to sound values
unflagging zeal and endurance
total persistence and perseverance
outstanding courage and
admirable achievements

The books below deal with these fully human and fully alive
sisters and brothers of ours who have made a mark in history
and inflamed the minds and hearts of all mankind



(Click on the title for details)

          144 pages, 2001, 40,  ISBN:   81-7108-443-5 
Better Yourself Books, St Paul Publications,  P.O. Box 9814, Bandra,  Mumbai 400 050, e-mail:  stpaulsmarketing@gmail.com


History, as well as present-day story-books, are filled with illustrations of those wonderful people who were either counted as "zero" – not worthy to stand up and be counted, or who started their climb to "success" in life at point "zero" – from scratch, with nothing to help them on (save God’s grace), and even nobody to encourage them on. But in their own way, and in their own time, each of them rose to become a "hero" in his or her way, in his or her own world.

The gallery of "heroes" (and "heroines") presented in this book are ordinary people, all "disadvantaged" in one or other way, who lived or are still living extraordinary lives – inspiring others, and some even at the service of others. Each of them is an outstanding examples, shining models for both "disabled" and "advantaged" human beings. Like them we are all challenged to put the number of ‘talents’ – however big or small, in front of our "zero" or "zeroes" and increase our worth ten or twenty or a hundred times over.

     Mini-biographies of  Jesuits who served in the Gujarat Province of the Society and died between 1983 and 2002. 
    308 pages, 2002,   100,  (GSP)*  ISBN:  81-87886-58-7

* Note: The books indicated by (GSP) can be obtained from The Publisher, Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, P. B. 70, ANAND, 388 001 (Gujarat, India) .  It is given as complimentary, on request.
 e-mail:  booksgsp@gmail.com

     Website: http://gspbooks.in`

   Brief Biographies of Jesuit Saints
444 pages, 2003, Paperback ` 150.00, $16.00,   $16.00,  ISBN  81-87886-73-0;  Clothbound ` 170.00, $ 17.00 (GSP)*    ISBN:  81-87886-74-9

Profiles in Holiness, is a hallowed ‘gallery’ with pen-portraits of exemplary Jesuits from St Ignatius of Loyola the Founder of the Society of Jesus in the sixteenth century to Saint José Rubio who was canonized by Pope John Paul II on 4 May 2003. Each ‘life’ portrays the human striving for perfection, for holiness/wholeness in life through ‘heroic’ or ‘ordinary’ means. Though characterized by the Jesuit charism of endeavouring ‘for the greater glory if God’, the book will inspire non-Jesuits as well, because these mini-biographies of 50 Saints and 146 Blessed display universal “holiness” – the human being empowered by God’s Grace. The book is arranged according to the respective feast-days of the Saints, and “is so structured that it can be used for introductions to liturgical celebrations, as a resource for community prayer, or for spiritual reading and personal reflection.” (Back-cover)

True Stories of Pioneer Missionaries
        116 pages, 2006, 
55.00, $6.00,  ISBN:  81-89317-07-5

The narratives in this Collection have been selected from the numerous accounts of Catholic Missionaries in Gujarat (1930s-1960) that were published in the monthly newsletter The Ahmedabad Missionary (TAM). The “stories” refer to specific people and places, but they resonate with the experience of universal human nature. They can, therefore, find an echo in the heart of every reader across the globe. They weave a range of emotions, joyful or otherwise; they provide inspiration and awe.

5. ST IGNATIUS LOYOLA  Retrospective - Perspective - Reflective
         284 pages, 2006 120.00, $ 12.00, 
(GSP) ISBN:  81-89317-11-3      

This book is an innovative approach to the biography of St Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits). The author traces the life of the saint step by step, from his birth to the founding of the religious Order. Each step forms a separate unit with three sections: the first section pieces together the historical realities [“retrospective”] in the life of St Ignatius. The next section registers the varied events, experiences and personality traits in St Ignatius’ later years that form an integrated link with the previous section [“perspective”]. The third section contains ‘reflections’ from varied sources, on relevant themes accruing from the previous sections and related to the Ignatian spirit [“reflective”] that have been influencing the ‘character’ of the Society of Jesus down the ages, since its beginning even to this day, directly or indirectly.

The book is meant to serve as a source of reflection in the Jesuit Jubilee Year 2006, when the Society commemorates 450 years since Saint Ignatius’ death (31 July 1556) and 500 years since the birth of Saint Francis Xavier (7 April 1506) and of Blessed Peter Faber (13 April 1506). The Jubilee Year runs from 3 December 2005 through to 3 December 2006.

Notes - Quotes - Anecdotes
    232 pages, 2007,   105, $ 10 (GSP)  ISBN:  978-81-89317-33-1      

This book, written in the context of Fr Arrupe’s birth-centenary, is a veritable treasure-chest of Arrupean memorabilia. It contains biographical notes, inspirational quotes, and lively anecdotes. The title is not intended to lure one into possessing “treasure” that will be kept in a library ‘safe’, under lock and key, or adorn a showcase of books. This treasure is for using and sharing. The pages are meant to fan the flames of unconditional love, universal acceptance, equality of races and resources, unflinching courage, sensitive service, and constant compassion... to everyone, everywhere. This treasury is intended to help the readers to enrich their lives and become worthy enough “men/women for [and with] others” in every sense of the phrase that Fr Pedro Arrupe himself coined, after his own example.

    Inspirational Biographies
166 pages, 2013,
160.00  $ 16.00 (GSP)  ISBN 978-93-80066-80-6

This handbook contains biographies of Jesuit saints, arranged according the new Liturgical Calendar proper to the Society of Jesus. Each of the biographies is concise yet comprehensive, inspirational more than informative. The 51 saints and 149 blessed of the Society of Jesus were men of their times, no doubt, but their lives offer inspiration for men of all time. This book will appeal not only to Jesuits but anyone interested in the lives of Saints that serve as models for living spiritual lives.


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