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THIS BOOK HAS BEEN REVISED AND PUBLISHED UNDER THE ORIGINAL TITLE Introduction There are quite a few ‘beginners’ in the spiritual life who are drawn to prayer and would appreciate a more systematic/ programmatic approach to God, so as to build a powerful prayer-base. There are also committed Christians who are interested in making a "closed" Annual Retreat organised by Parishes and other institutions but are unable to do so because of their jobs and responsibilities. This book, if followed faithfully, will satisfy that need, because it is, in fact, a Retreat in Daily Life. The aim of the book is to provide you with inspirational inputs, simple prayer techniques and spiritual exercises in order to strengthen, intensify and deepen your relationship with God. In the process, you will discover your own inner resources, and be motivated to use your insights and experiences in a constructive way for the building up of the Kingdom of God. At Home With God contains stories, anecdotes, poems, as well as inspirational quotes from Scripture and other sources. It is not meant to be read at one sitting, but to be relished bit by bit, a page a day. There are suggestions on what and how to pray ("spiritual exercises") leading the reader on, step by step, day by day, to becoming ‘more fully human and more fully alive’. Several of those who have used At Home With God, have found it an "enriching" experience of contact with God, not merely during the time set aside for formal prayer ("sowing a seed"), but all through their busy day ("daily life").
Excerpts from Reviews In At Home With God
the author has packed a power-house of wisdom and knowledge, programmes and
techniques for prayers, for all those who wish to love God and experience as
well the depth of His love in a practical way by serving others... This reviewer
treasures the book for a life time for what it contains – Life itself.
Herald (March 22-April 2, 1992) A Resourceful and Reliable Guide... It strives to produce the same salutary effect that the spiritual classic of St Ignatius has on the retreatant. The New Leader (June 1-15, 1992) Everything in this book helps to put the Ignatian method of prayer into practice. In Christo (October 1992) Any reservation one may have about a programmed approach to prayer are dispelled by the book... It addresses itself to the widest cross-section of people -- all those in need of thought, feeling and comfort in easily accessible forms. One can open the book at any page and find something useful... For the non-Christian reader it offers a focus on values of selflessness and surrender... The Times Of India (Oct 16, 1991) (Also reprinted in Jivan, Feb 1992) Very much a ‘do it yourself’ book... The inputs very concrete and lively. Here is a book that could start many a priest on the way to deeper devotion in life. Vidyajyoti (August 1992) At Home With God... is a collection of stories, anecdotes, poems, and quotations from Scripture and other sources, together with instructions on prayer. These are arranged for those who wish to make the "19th-annotation" retreat or the "retreat in everyday life," based on the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius Loyola. It can also be used by a casual reader for "enlightenment or entertainment." Theology Digest (St Louis, U.S.A., Spring 1993) This book responds to a need in many people and in many institutions of religion... The theology undergirding the approach is orthodox and long-standing. God loves each person and asks each person to love him in return. The ‘how’ of the person’s response is what Lewis depicts so well. This book will provide seminarians and religious in formation with a very easy introduction to prayer. The lay person and priest looking for a help to recapture their praying spirit or even to start will also benefit. The Furrow (Ireland, March 1993)
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