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Introduction This is no common fun-book. It is primarily a vocabulary-builder – with a difference. The difference lies in its approach. It contains hardly any text-book type of exercises. Rather, it is full of word-games, a large and interesting variety of them, that stimulate and challenge as they instruct and entertain. All the main items have been carefully devised to promote word-building. Matter that could go well in a volume of pure fun or in a puzzle-book, but would not be directly suited to our purpose, has been deliberately kept aside. Nevertheless, the fun remains. Readers with a fair knowledge of English can enjoy learning while playing! The exercises provide a good deal of fun. Fun With Words has
been widely used as a profitable teaching-aid in schools. Tongue-Twisters,
Crazy Reading, Exercises For Sounds, ... have come in
handy at Public Speaking sessions. Word Ladders, Limericks, Conundrums... have provided useful occupation at
free periods.
Most of the word-games can be played systematically and regularly for
building-up vocabulary. Teachers with initiative have used these games
as models for further creative work along similar lines.
the Foreword) Find homonyms from the clues given below. a. fleet and sate a. What is the best
policy? A Gourmet's Delight Child’s Play a. the ships of the
The new book is brimming with entertaining and constructive fun. Like the book of Psalms it has 150 units , a complete rosary of fifteen decades to relax and uplift the mind of every lover of fun and words. Two lines by Hillaire Belloc have been appropriated by many a writer of lesser merit:
I am dead, I hope it may be said The little book of 120 pages (including the Solutions) may be tapped by organizers of parties in search of riddles, palindromes, anagrams, spoonerisms, puzzles and conundrums, tongue-twisters, crosswords and limericks. (Ignis, November-December 1983, p31)
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across this book 'Fun With Words' in our Library… It is a
wonderful book.. I love the content.
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