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JESUIT TREASURY Resources on Jesuit History-Spirituality-Life-Mission
on computer CD
Collected and Edited by
Hedwig Lewis SJ
JESUIT TREASURY on CD-ROM, is a virtual encyclopedia of informative, interesting and inspiring articles related to the Society of Jesus. It is a treasure-chest stuffed with precious nuggets which have been collected down the decades. It contains JESUIT RESOURCES in wide-ranging categories: History, Society of Jesus, Vocations, Formation, Vows, Priesthood, Ignatian Spirit, Spirituality, Spiritual Exercises, Spiritual Direction, Community, Leadership, Pastoral, Education, Faith and Justice, Jesuits in India-Asia, Media Apostolate, Ecology, GCs 34-35, Jokes, and so on. It is rich in resources and enriching in content – all available at ones fingertips. It is a precious handbook – and text-book –which Jesuits old and young can cherish and treasure.
Recently, Fr Edward Mudavessery SJ, the Provincial of South Asia met me in Ahmedabad. He expressed his concern about promoting Ignatian spirituality in our Assistancy. He mentioned the need of having “resources related to the Society” within the reach of Jesuits. I felt motivated and decided to organize the materials that I had been collecting over thirty years and digitalize them, making them available on a computer-CD: DVD-ROM.
I called the collection “Jesuit Treasury” because it contains hundreds of documents strictly related to the Society of Jesus. The following Table of Contents provides a general overview of the range of categories it contains:
The material had been systematically structured so as to make navigation as easy and convenient as possible. Every “chapter” has an INDEX in general as well as in each of its sub-sections, to provide information on the available resource. The process of organizing this treasury has taken me considerable time and energy, but I gave it all I could knowing that it will be of service and inspiration to many of my brothers in the Society of Jesus and others.
It must be pointed out that this is essentially a personal collection. I downloaded articles of interest to me from the internet. There are several articles on a theme, with ideas overlapping. But careful scrutiny will reveal new ideas and approaches to a subject under similar titles. I generally look for these “gems” when I research for a book or an article. The new inspirations and insights help bring glitter to my own inputs and outputs in writing.
In a sense, though this collection is comprehensive, it is by no means exhaustive. There will be constant need of updating and refreshing it. However, some data are “classical” and apply to all ages and cultures. I was in two minds whether to call this collection a “treasury” or a “refinery”. I believe both terms are applicable and appropriate. The articles enrich mind and heart; they also refine wisdom and knowledge.
This computer-CD, DVD-ROM, therefore, is only an exploratory venture with the hope that it has the ‘ripple effect’ or creates a ‘multiplier syndrome’. There are other Jesuits, I’m sure, who like me, are “collectors” of Ignatiana. My wish is that they take my lead to offer their ‘treasures’ to their fellow Jesuits and friends of the Society.
One will find some limitations in this collection. They have to do mainly with the formatting of the pages. Since many articles have been downloaded from PDF files and copied as WORD documents, they have lost their original formatting. I thought it would be too time-consuming to re-format them. I presume readers will modify these articles on their computer screens for convenience in reading them. I have separated the paragraphs and highlighted titles and subtitles to make the task easier. For most articles I have provided URLs so that one can access the original sources.
I must warn the users of this treasury that this is a random collection and that I have not read all the articles in detail – merely scanned them for their usefulness. One must use ones discrimination and double-check the information they contain for their authenticity and relevance, for facts and figures that need updating.
To those who are not big collectors but have some ‘precious’ material in their possession, I have a request. Could you send these to me so that I can follow up with another computer-CD Treasury or even a book or two? I promise to duly acknowledge the contributor of every article published.
Please Note: “Jesuit Treasury”, is only for PRIVATE CIRCULATION. I have not sought any permission for reproducing the articles here. I have taken advantage of the authors who have graciously made their creations available to others, for our personal enrichment. Please do not use this material for any other purpose without prior permission of the specific authors cited.
My expectation is that every community in the Asian Assistancy will have a copy of Jesuit Treasury! Retreat directors, Vocation Promoters, Spiritual Directors... will find resources galore, for talks and articles and guidance. I appreciate responses and feedback from users. I promise to acknowledge every correspondence I receive.
With every good wish and a prayer for a fruitful Ignatian journey.
Yours frater-n-ally,
Hedwig Lewis SJ
10 October 2010
The DVD-ROM “JESUIT TREASURY”, produced by Gurjarvani, was released on 10-10-’10 [10 October 2010] after the birthday dinner of the author.
Copies of JESUIT TREASURY are available with the publisher.
Price per CD: ` 100
Contact: Fr Ashok Vaghela SJ, Gurjarvani, St Xavier’s College Campus, Ahmedabad 380 009 Email: gurjarvani@gmail.com
Phone: +91-7926300127 +91-7926303114 Cell: +91-9427312342
Let me first of all thank you for giving expression to your thoughts, inspiration, wisdom, experiences, etc. in the form of books. I have been enjoying reading your (I have been reading all your books ). They are very inspiring and thought provoking. Sorry for not sharing this truth before, I did not have the opportunity to do so, though I could have created one. Thank you so much for sharing the 'Treasury' with us all. Ambrose L JeyrajSecretary JIGSA,Sep 24, 2010
Hope you are keeping fine. Thank you for the “Jesuit Treasury". It seems to be well received. I browsed it and found really a treasury on all and sundry. Though you may not get much money coming in, it is being well used. At the end of January I am going to Rome for a meeting. I want to take some DVDs and gift them to some of the officials. Edward Mudavassery, S.J. Provincial of South Asia Dec 20, 2010
Thanks a lot Hedwig for the Treasury!! It's a real treasure. I couldn't help getting into it & taking a look at some things....of course, I got into the folder on Ecology. It took quite some time before I could get out...
Lancy D’Cruz SJ St Xavier's College, Ahmedabad 23 Oct 2010
I had taken some copies of the Jesuit Treasury to
Rome in February. I gave a copy to Fr General and also to
Jesuits who had come from Africa, China, Philippines, and also to the CIS
director Mercica. They were very happy with it as a ready resource for almost
all the areas of Jesuit life and mission. I am sure it will be well used by the
scholastics too..
Those who were present at the Province Sammelan got JESUIT TREASURY as a free gift. I brought it home thinking that a discarded material was disposed for us on that occasion. Who gives free gifts? I did not put it in my computer thinking that there was no hurry to open it. One night Br Martin told me: “It is very good; I make my spiritual reading with it; it is solid, the best; and you can get from it the essence of the Society. Many aspects of it that we do not know about.” If Br Martin says it is “very good” it shows that one can see and taste the spirit of our family!
So I opened it. I, too, find it very good, solid. It contains the roots and essence of Jesuit spirituality. A lot of material is condensed... Many of the articles are not for reading – they are for “drinking”! You can get the taste of the Society! There is something deep in the experience of our documents. Br Michael Fernandez SJ Gujarat Jesuit Samachar, June 2011
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