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The variety of publications
listed below
1. Happiness
Manufacturers “Happiness Manufacturers” refers to those people who have devoted their entire lives in producing the ‘ingredients’ that go into creating happiness – in making the Kingdom of God a reality: Priest, Nuns, Brothers.... This attractively presented book is an inspirational guide to those who are still in the process of making a decision regarding their 'vocation' to religious life: 'aspirants', 'postulants', 'candidates', 'pre-novices', or 'novices' – in a Convent or Seminary. The inputs are designed to deepen their convictions through prayerful consideration of the various aspects of life that are involved in such serious decision-making. Happiness Manufacturers provides a highly practical approach to prayer. It is presented in a style similar to that of At Home With God. It has stories, poems, quotes, guidelines and questions for reflection, biblical references and suggestions for prayer. It is divided into thirteen "Themes", each having four "sets" of relevant inputs, equaling 52 in all – for the 52 weeks of the year! Its ample inputs can be used for 'daily meditation'. Its simple format can help motivate even 'beginners' to spend time profitably in prayer. Happiness Manufacturers is also a handy "resource-book" for Vocation Promoters, Vocation Camps, Prayer Services and Spiritual Direction.
This is a book of reflections written primarily for young men who have experienced God’s call and have a desire to enter the Society of Jesus. Hence most of the items are specifically Jesuitic. The book, of course can also be used with profit by anyone who feels he/she has a vocation.
There are a variety
of ‘items’ –
biographies, stories, poems, prayers... that lend themselves to deep reflection.
In order to follow some pattern, and keep this book small and handy, each ‘unit’
has been restricted to three items. All For the Greater Glory Of God develops systematically the motto AMDG of St Ignatius Loyola, and it associated dynamic, the MAGIS (“MORE”). it traces the origins and explores the meanings, implications, influences and applications of AMDG-MAGIS.
All For the Greater Glory Of God, is the fruit of the author’s research-reflection process in the Jesuit Jubilee year 2006. It is hoped that this work will in turn refresh and energize various types of readers: Jesuits, non-Jesuit religious congregations that adhere to the spirituality of St Ignatius Loyola, collaborators associated with Jesuit institutions, and those who appreciate the spiritual doctrines of St Ignatius.
4. IN
GOOD COMPANY IN GOOD COMPANY is a handbook on Ignatian spirituality for our collaborators. It captures in 12 compact ‘chapters’ the Vision-Mission of the Society of Jesus. It includes a short biography of St Ignatius, a succinct history of the Society, and brief inputs on our spiritual characteristics. There are nine chapters structured for information-reflection-action on topics such as AMDG, Finding God in All Things, Ecology, Magis, Discernment, Service-Leadership, Self-discipline, Examen, and Jesuit Identity, in non-technical terms and user-friendly format. It is a book worth placing in the hands of every one of our collaborators.
OF KIGNATIAN PRAYER The Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola is broadly referred to as a 'school of prayer'. Saint Ignatius proposes a variety of prayer-techniques. This book explores the varied prayer-methods and unravels their dynamics, with practical suggestions on how to use them precisely, as directed.
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