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Community Prayers and Reflections for the Ignatian Year 2021-2022


This is an off-beat book containing Community Reflections and Prayers based on the early parts of the Autobiography of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, related to his 'conversion'. The under-irding theme is 'Through Ignatius to Christ'. Each unit has four I's (eyes!): Invocation, Ignatiana, Insights, Intercessions.



TITLE: To See All Things New In Christ,
Community Reflections and Prayers for the Ignatian Year 2021-2022

AUTHOR: Hedwig Lewis SJ

PUBLISHER: Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, Anand

Email: booksgsp@gmail.com

PAGES: 120 | PRICE: Rupees 100  Euros 3.00



Pascual Cebollada SJ, the Coordinator of the Ignatian Year in Rome, was requested to appraise the manuscript. His response: “I shared your wonderful initiative with the committee of the Ignatian Year… We underline the simplicity and easy understanding of the texts, their deepness, and other things…”

John Dardis SJ, General Counsellor for Discernment and Apostolic Planning, Director of the Communications Office, added: “… and the prayers which you so thoughtfully brought together. … You have made an amazing integration of the Ignatian sources; of the different comments of successive Father Generals; of comments on Ignatius and on the First Companions.” The book has global appeal, and hopefully will have translations/adaptations in several foreign languages.



The title of this book, “To see all things new in Christ”, is the motto and theme of the Ignatian Year 2021-2022.

The topics for the Community Prayer Services are drawn from the Letter of the Superior General, Father Arturo Sosa SJ, urging “to remember that privileged moment when the Holy Spirit inspired Ignatius of Loyola in his decision to follow Christ, and to deepen our understanding of this pilgrim way in order to ‘draw fruit’ from it.”

The theme of ‘conversion’ is central to the Ignatian Year. We would do well to “hear the Lord calling us, and allow him to work our conversion inspired by the personal experience of Ignatius.” Sosa also specifies the need of linking the theme to the four dimensions of our Universal Apostolic Preferences.

The narratives from the early part of the Autobiography presented in this book serve as mirrors in which we find our own reflections; and the anecdotes are lenses that enable us ‘to see all things new in Christ’. They enable us to perceive at some length the circumstances associated with Ignatius’ conversion.

On previewing this work, John Dardis SJ commented: "You have made an amazing integration of the Ignatian sources; of the different comments of successive Father Generals; of comments on Ignatius and on the First Companions...”

The 24 units in this off-beat book integrate reflections with prayers. They contain four “I’s” - eyes! - that focus on the theme: Invocation, Ignatiana, Inspiration, Intercession. They are relatively short, providing each community at prayer the scope for incorporating hymns or relevant inputs, or allowing space for extended periods of reflection during the pauses. The first section of nine chapters could be used as a novena.

Father Sosa’s ‘message’ to a group of Jesuits, sums up the ‘fruit’ we can draw from this graced Year: “[I] hope that the spiritual experience proposed by the Ignatian Year would allow for a renewal of interior freedom and indifference. That it would be an opportunity for the recognition of our weaknesses, and that it would give us an incentive to identify more strongly with the Jesus of the Gospel in order to imitate him, thus responding to the Lord’s call.”61C

We hope “To See All Things New In Christ” will be a source of “spiritual conversion”, after the example of our Father Ignatius, and will be helpful not only to Jesuits but also to all those associated with Ignatian spirituality for prayer in common as well as personal reflection. AMDG!

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